Should You Go Deep or Broad

You have 6 hours to invest. Do you read one book slowly and deeply or do you browse and skim through various articles, books, and videos? In other words, do you go deep or broad? Before you jump to any conclusion for one or the other, you have to think about goals first. What do you want to achieve? Or going about it backwards, which of the two is useful for which goals?...

January 22, 2022 · 3 min

Thoughts on Team Performance

If there is one takeaway from Walter Isaacson’s book The Innovators, it’s that the lone genius is a myth. Not individuals drive innovation, but teams. After learning about individual productivity, thinking about what makes teams perform is a natural progression. My thoughts here are still very much a work in progress and this is more a status report of my exploration in the topic than anything else. Team Performance Formula For a team to be effective, all its members should be competent in personal productivity habits....

November 14, 2021 · 3 min

Definitive Guide to Individual Productivity

Since I never liked wasting time or working just to get enough hours in, I read and experimented a lot around this topic in the past few years. I want to use my time efficiently so I can do more of what I care most about. I also want to do great work when I work and not half-ass it. During those years in the fascinating, useful, and sometimes toxic personal productivity space, I found some fundamental principles that worked consistently for myself and others....

November 4, 2021 · 14 min

Red Flags

The concept of red flags found is fairly prevalent because it’s incorporated in every e-mail client. A red flag indicates something that you need to pay attention to. The metaphor of a red flag is associated most often with something negative — a danger. The second characteristic of a red flag is that it’s preventive. You don’t see a red flag when it’s too late, instead, a red flag shows you before the negative consequence that there is something coming....

October 13, 2021 · 3 min

What Are Good Sources of Information?

Where do you get your information about the world from? Newspapers? Facebook or Twitter? Radio or Podcasts? Why? I’m serious. Why are you getting your info from this source? This isn’t a trivial question, in fact, it is essential. Where you get your information determines your opinions and worldview, impacts your happiness, and influences your decision-making. But I don’t have to tell you that. We live in the age of fake news and media distrust, do we not?...

October 8, 2021 · 7 min